Saturday, January 1, 2000

Choir Member Responsibilities

  1. Members are expected to attend all rehearsals, including extra rehearsals scheduled before concerts – this includes rehearsals and performances out of Dunedin. Attendance at the dress rehearsal prior to a performance is compulsory.
  2. Members must pay the choir subscription that is determined at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Any member who has not paid their subscription by the due date may not be permitted to sing in concerts.
  4. Members who are unable to attend a rehearsal should contact the Membership Secretary to give an apology or email: (Please do not phone the Musical Director.)
  5. Members must mark their presence in the roll book at each rehearsal.
  6. All absences must be recorded and explained by a note in the back of the roll book (either in advance or retrospectively).
  7. The Membership Secretary will discuss all absences of two or more consecutive weeks with the Musical Director who may permit participation in the next concert.
  8. Extended leave of absence (e.g. sabbaticals) or resignations must be notified by letter to the Membership Secretary.
  9. Rehearsals commence at 7:30 pm sharp and conclude at 9:30 pm. Members are expected to be seated and ready to sing by 7:25 pm.
  10. Each member is expected to bring a 2B pencil and eraser to all rehearsals.
  11. Talking in rehearsals is regarded as discourteous to the Musical Director and members alike.
  12. The choir has a dress code for concerts to which all members are expected to adhere.
  13. It is expected that members practice and revise their music at home every week.
  14. Unless otherwise specified, music must be handed back at the rehearsal immediately following a concert, with all markings erased.

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